This blog features custom 8 inch action figures, mostly Mego in nature but others slip in from time to time, all made with love and gusto by our team of cloistered specialists.
The last time we counted all of the Smalls there were over 530. In a recent moment of weakness, I decided to re-photograph them all as part of a vast re-count project that has haunted me for some time. You can see all the old Small Census pictures (and wads of other junk) by following the link above.
To the best of my ability I will post one-pic-per-day, until I decide to stop. Thanks for having a look.
This guy is the toughest looking Mego ever. He's so well-equipped, he's the guy you want on your side in a post-apocalyptic world.
Wow, I'm just seeing all your comments today! Nice to have you on board!
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